/*-------------------------------------------------------------- NetLoadD - Network Load Daemon Read The David Cutting (dcutting@purplepixie.org) L I C E N C E --------------------------------------------------------------*/ INSTALL: Installation of NetLoadD Download and Unpack the latest version of NetLoadD (from http://www.purplepixie.org/netload). For example: $ gzip -d netloadd-1.5.1.tar.zg $ tar -xvf netloadd-1.5.1.tar netload/... Once unpacked you can use the pre-compiled binaries or compile your own. The binaries have been compiled with gcc 2 for standard Linux aout format. In order to compile NetLoadD you must have gcc 2 and (optionally) god. The pre-compiled Dave Linked List object will work with any gcc 2 compiler. To compile netloadd, simply run BuildMe.sh which will test for the existance of god (GoDave compiler support) and use it or fallback onto straight gcc. Although 1.5.1 has a system to optionally not compile MySQL support into netload (thus not requiring the MySQL libraries at compile and run time) this does not work and you will need to have the MySQL development packages installed. Before compilation you may with to change the defaults by editing the netloadd_config.h file and updating the values given in the #define statements near the top of the file all starting DEF. DEF_Delay is in seconds and the other options are 1 for on or 0 for off. Once compiled a netloadd binary file will be placed in the main directory. The user is then free to install this binary wherever they wish (for example on their path in /usr/local/sbin). For more information, please see the INSTALL-FAQ document.