File: 1.00.1a/node/freenats-node.php (View as Code)

1: 2: // FreeNATS Push/Pull XML Node for Posix Environments 3: /* ------------------------------------------------------------- 4: This file is part of FreeNATS 5: 6: FreeNATS is (C) Copyright 2008 PurplePixie Systems 7: 8: FreeNATS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 9: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 10: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 11: (at your option) any later version. 12: 13: FreeNATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 14: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 15: MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 16: GNU General Public License for more details. 17: 18: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 19: along with FreeNATS. If not, see 20: 21: For more information see 22: -------------------------------------------------------------- */ 23: 24: // Configuration Section 25: 26: $nodeCfg=array(); 27: 28: $nodeCfg['allowpull']=true; 29: $nodeCfg['allowpush']=true; 30: $nodeCfg['nodekey']=""; 31: $nodeCfg['nodeid']=""; 32: $nodeCfg['restrict_pull_ip']=""; 33: 34: $nodeCfg['push_target']=""; 35: 36: $nodeCfg['version']="0.00"; 37: 38: $nodeCfg['uptime'] = true; 39: $nodeCfg['disk'] = true; 40: $nodeCfg['memory'] = true; 41: $nodeCfg['net'] = true; 42: $nodeCfg['systime'] = true; 43: 44: // End of Configuration Section 45: 46: $configFile=""; // not yet implemented 47: $fileUpdate=true; 48: 49: // XML Format 50: /* 51: Format: 52: 53:
54: something 55:
56: 57: testname 58: Test Description 59: return value 60: suggested alert level 61: 62: 63: */ 64: 65: class FreeNATS_XML_Node 66: { 67: var $xml=""; 68: var $Config; 69: 70: function AddLine($line) 71: { 72: $this->xml.=$line."\n"; 73: } 74: 75: function AddTest($name,$desc,$val,$lvl=-1) 76: { 77: $this->AddLine(""); 78: $this->AddLine(" "); 79: $this->AddLine(" ".$name.""); 80: $this->AddLine(" ".$desc.""); 81: $this->AddLine(" ".$val.""); 82: $this->AddLine(" ".$lvl.""); 83: $this->AddLine(" "); 84: $this->AddLine(""); 85: } 86: 87: function FreeNATS_XML_Node() 88: { 89: global $nodeCfg; 90: $this->AddLine(""); 91: $this->Config=&$nodeCfg; 92: } 93: 94: function Start() 95: { 96: $this->AddLine(""); 97: } 98: 99: function Stop() 100: { 101: $this->AddLine(""); 102: } 103: 104: function DataHeader($is_header=true) 105: { 106: if ($is_header) $this->AddLine("
"); 107: else $this->AddLine("
108: } 109: 110: function HeaderItem($name,$value) 111: { 112: $this->AddLine(" <".$name.">".$value.""); 113: } 114: 115: function ScreenOutput() 116: { 117: header("Content-type: text/xml"); 118: echo $this->xml; 119: exit(); 120: } 121: 122: } 123: 124: $Node=new FreeNATS_XML_Node(); 125: $Node->Start(); 126: 127: 128: // How Were We Called 129: $pull=false; 130: 131: if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) // called via HTTP 132: { 133: $pull=true; 134: if ($nodeCfg['restrict_pull_ip']!="") // check IP 135: { 136: if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']!=$nodeCfg['restrict_pull_ip']) 137: { 138: echo "Authorisation Failure: IP Address Denied"; 139: exit(); 140: } 141: } 142: if ($nodeCfg['nodekey']!="") // check authorisation 143: { 144: if ( !(isset($_REQUEST['nodekey'])) || ($_REQUEST['nodekey']!=$nodeCfg['nodekey']) ) 145: { 146: echo "Authorisation Failure: Incorrect NODEKEY Configured"; 147: exit(); 148: } 149: } 150: } 151: else // called via CLI 152: { 153: $a=1; 154: for ($a=1; $a<$argc; $a++) 155: { 156: switch($argv[$a]) 157: { 158: case "-c": case "--c": case "-config": case "--config": 159: $configFile=$argv[++$a]; 160: break; 161: case "-d": case "--d": case "-debug": case "--debug": 162: $pull=true; // output to the console 163: break; 164: case "--noupdate": case "-noupdate": 165: $fileUpdate=false; 166: break; 167: } 168: } 169: } 170: 171: 172: $Node->DataHeader(); 173: $Node->HeaderItem("name","FreeNATS Posix Node XML"); 174: $Node->HeaderItem("version",$nodeCfg['version']); 175: if (!$pull) // we are pushing instead 176: $Node->HeaderItem("nodekey",$nodeCfg['nodekey']); 177: $Node->DataHeader(false); 178: 179: // Node Type and Version Pseudo-Tests 180: $Node->AddTest("fnn.version","FreeNATS Node Version",$nodeCfg['version'],0); 181: $Node->AddTest("","FreeNATS Node Type","Posix XML",0); 182: 183: //$Node->AddTest("","Bob One",10,0); 184: //$Node->AddTest("bob.two","Bob Two",11,0); 185: 186: 187: // Data from Uptime 188: if ($nodeCfg['uptime']) 189: { 190: $uptime=exec("/usr/bin/uptime"); 191: 192: $ut=preg_split("/\s+/",$uptime); 193: //var_dump($ut); 194: 195: 196: 197: $Node->AddTest("uptime.1m","One Minute Load Average",substr($ut[count($ut)-3],0,strlen($ut[count($ut)-3])-1),0); 198: $Node->AddTest("uptime.5m","Five Minute Load Average",substr($ut[count($ut)-2],0,strlen($ut[count($ut)-2])-1),0); 199: $Node->AddTest("uptime.15m","Fifteen Minute Load Average",$ut[count($ut)-1],0); 200: $Node->AddTest("uptime.users","Logged in Users",$ut[count($ut)-7],0); 201: } 202: 203: // Data from Time 204: if ($nodeCfg['systime']) 205: { 206: $nowx=time(); 207: $utf=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$nowx); 208: $dts=date("H:i:s d/m/Y",$nowx); 209: $pasthour= (date("i",$nowx)*60)+date("s",$nowx); 210: 211: $Node->AddTest("systime.x","Node Time (Seconds Since Epoch)",$nowx,0); 212: $Node->AddTest("systime.utf","Node Time (UTF)",$utf,0); 213: $Node->AddTest("systime.dts","Note Time",$dts,0); 214: $Node->AddTest("systime.sph","Seconds Past Hour",$pasthour,0); 215: } 216: 217: // Data from DF 218: if ($nodeCfg['disk']) 219: { 220: $result=array(); 221: exec("/bin/df",$result); 222: 223: // filesystem blocks used available use% mount 224: for ($a=1; $a225: { 226: $parts=preg_split("/\s+/",$result[$a]); 227: $filesystem=$parts[0]; 228: $size=$parts[1]/1024; 229: $used=$parts[2]/1024; 230: $free=$parts[3]/1024; 231: $perc=substr($parts[4],0,strlen($parts[4]-1));; 232: $mount=$parts[5]; 233: 234: //$nicefs=str_replace("/","_",$filesystem); 235: $name=$filesystem.".size"; 236: $desc="Total Size of ".$filesystem." (".$mount.") (Mb)"; 237: $Node->AddTest($name,$desc,round($size,2),0); 238: 239: $name=$filesystem.".used"; 240: $desc="Space Used on ".$filesystem." (".$mount.") (Mb)"; 241: $Node->AddTest($name,$desc,round($used,2),0); 242: 243: $name=$filesystem.".free"; 244: $desc="Space Free on ".$filesystem." (".$mount.") (Mb)"; 245: $Node->AddTest($name,$desc,round($free,2),0); 246: 247: $name=$filesystem.".perc"; 248: $desc="Percentage Used on ".$filesystem." (".$mount.")"; 249: $Node->AddTest($name,$desc,$perc,0); 250: } 251: } 252: 253: // Data from FREE 254: if ($nodeCfg['memory']) 255: { 256: 257: 258: $free=array(); 259: exec("/usr/bin/free",$free); 260: 261: //unset($this->mm_elements); 262: 263: for ($fc=1; $fc< count($free); $fc++) 264: { 265: // Mem: Swap: -- total, used, free -- kb 266: $parts=preg_split("/\s+/",$free[$fc]); 267: $proc=false; 268: if ($parts[0]=="Mem:") { $proc=true; $type="System Memory"; $prefix="mem"; } 269: else if ($parts[0]=="Swap:") { $proc=true; $type="System Swap File"; $prefix="swap"; } 270: 271: if ($proc) 272: { 273: $name=$prefix.".total"; 274: $Node->AddTest($name,$type." Total (Mb)",round($parts[1]/1024,3),0); 275: 276: 277: $name=$prefix.".used"; // parts[2] used kb 278: $Node->AddTest($name,$type." Used (Mb)",round($parts[2]/1024,3),0); 279: 280: $name=$prefix.".free"; // parts[3] free kb 281: $Node->AddTest($name,$type." Free (Mb)",round($parts[3]/1024,3),0); 282: } // end of if $proc 283: 284: } // end of for 285: 286: } 287: 288: // Data from /proc/net/dev 289: if ($nodeCfg['net']) 290: { 291: $netarr=@file("/proc/net/dev"); 292: for($a=2; $a293: { 294: $line=explode(":",$netarr[$a]); 295: $dev=trim($line[0]); 296: $data=trim($line[1]); 297: $darr=explode(" ",$data); 298: $rx=trim($darr[0]); 299: $tx=trim($darr[1]); 300: if ($rx=="") $rx=0; // bodge 301: if ($tx=="") $tx=0; 302: $tt=$tx+$rx; 303: 304: $Node->AddTest("net.".$dev.".rxt","Total Received on Interface ".$dev." (bytes)",$rx,0); 305: $Node->AddTest("net.".$dev.".txt","Total Sent on Interface ".$dev." (bytes)",$tx,0); 306: $Node->AddTest("net.".$dev.".trt","Total Passed on Interface ".$dev." (bytes)",$tt,0); 307: 308: $trrx=0; 309: $trtx=0; 310: $trtt=0; 311: $trlvl=0; 312: 313: $nowx=time(); 314: // does the file exist 315: $fp=@fopen("/tmp/".$dev,"r"); 316: if ($fp>0) // yes 317: { 318: $lastx=trim(fgets($fp,128)); 319: $lrx=trim(fgets($fp,128)); 320: $ltx=trim(fgets($fp,128)); 321: $ltt=$lrx+$ltx; 322: // wrap checking and the like... 323: if ( ($lrx>$rx) ) //|| ($ltx>$tx) || ($ltt>$tt) ) 324: { 325: $trlvl=-1; // untested 326: $diffx=0; 327: //echo "untested ".trim($lrx)."-$rx"; 328: } 329: else // test it 330: { 331: $diffx=$nowx-$lastx; 332: if ($diffx>0) 333: { 334: $trrx=(($rx-$lrx)/$diffx)/1024; 335: $trtx=(($tx-$ltx)/$diffx)/1024; 336: $trtt=(($tt-$ltt)/$diffx)/1024; 337: } 338: if($trrx=="") $trrx=0; 339: if($trtx=="") $trtx=0; 340: if($trtt=="") $trtt=0; 341: } 342: } 343: else $trlvl=-1; 344: @fclose($fp); 345: 346: // write my file 347: if ($fileUpdate) 348: { 349: $fp=@fopen("/tmp/".$dev,"w"); 350: @fputs($fp,$nowx."\n"); 351: @fputs($fp,$rx."\n"); 352: @fputs($fp,$tx."\n"); 353: @fclose($fp); 354: } 355: 356: $Node->AddTest("net.".$dev.".rx","Receive Speed on ".$dev." (kbyte/s)",$trrx,$trlvl); 357: $Node->AddTest("net.".$dev.".tx","Transmit Speed on ".$dev." (kbyte/s)",$trtx,$trlvl); 358: $Node->AddTest("net.".$dev,"Combined Speed on ".$dev." (kbyte/s)",$trtt,$trlvl); 359: $Node->AddTest("net.".$dev.".elapsed","Speed Sample Time on ".$dev." (secs)",$diffx,$trlvl); 360: } 361: } 362: 363: // End FreeNATS Data 364: $Node->Stop(); 365: 366: if ($pull) 367: { 368: // Output Data to Screen 369: $Node->ScreenOutput(); 370: } 371: else // push 372: { 373: // PHP 5 Required 374: $data=array( "nodeid" => $nodeCfg['nodeid'], 375: "nodekey" => $nodeCfg['nodekey'], 376: "xml" => $Node->xml ); 377: $data=http_build_query($data); 378: 379: $request=array( "http" => array( "method" => "POST", 380: "header" => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "content" => $data ) ); 381: $context=stream_context_create($request); 382: $fp=fopen($nodeCfg['push_target'],'rb',false,$context); 383: if ($fp<=0) 384: { 385: echo "Push Failed to open URL\n"; 386: exit(); 387: } 388: $serverdata=@stream_get_contents($fp); 389: 390: if ($serverdata===false) 391: { 392: echo "Push Data is FALSE\n"; 393: exit(); 394: } 395: 396: if ($serverdata!="1") 397: { 398: echo "Server Returned Error: ".$serverdata."\n"; 399: exit(); 400: } 401: 402: echo "Push Succeeded\n"; 403: } 404: 405: ?> 406: