File: 0.02.60a/server/base/ (View as HTML)

  1: <?php //
  2: /* -------------------------------------------------------------
  3: This file is part of FreeNATS
  5: FreeNATS is (C) Copyright 2008 PurplePixie Systems
  7: FreeNATS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  9: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 10: (at your option) any later version.
 12: FreeNATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 13: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 15: GNU General Public License for more details.
 17: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 18: along with FreeNATS.  If not, see
 20: For more information see
 21: -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 23: $NATS_Help=array();
 25: function ha($id,$text)
 26: {
 27: global $NATS_Help;
 28: $NATS_Help[strtoupper($id)]=$text;
 29: }
 31: ha("FreeNATS","FreeNATS is a network monitoring package");
 33: ha("Node","A node is a system or device which you are monitoring. Note that nodes can have tests pointing to different physical devices and vice-versa");
 34: ha("Node:Create","Create a new {node} with this {node:id|NodeID}");
 35: ha("Node:ID","The NodeID is a unique text name for a {node}. Maximum length 60 chars and only normal characters allowed.");
 36: ha("Node:Enabled","The node is enabled for tests to be performed (and displayed in all applicable views)");
 37: ha("Node:AlertActive","Alerts will be generated for this node and alert actions performed if selected");
 38: ha("Node:PingTest","Do a ping (ICMP) test first before other tests - will always record results if enabled");
 39: ha("Node:RequirePing","Require the ping to pass for other tests to even be tried - will always fail if {Node:PingTest|ping test} is disabled");
 41: ha("Group","A group is a collection of one or more {node|nodes}. Note that nodes can be members of more than one group.");
 42: ha("Group:Create","Create a new {group} with this name");
 44: ha("Test:Name","A custom name can be assigned to the test for use in displays and alerts. If blank an automated name will be generated.");
 45: ha("Test:Attempts","Number of times to attempt a test (will always try once). Defaults to 1 if zero or unset.");
 46: ha("Test:Timeout","Timeout value for the test - alters the defaults or system-wide variable settings for the relevant test (seconds)");
 47: ha("Test:SimpleEvaluation","Use simple pass/fail evaluation (i.e. if a web test returns any data it passes else it fails)");
 48: ha("Test:Recorded","Record the results of this test for historic reports");
 50: ha("History:Should","A rough calculation based on 5 minute polling from the start to finish (or now if sooner)");
 52: ha("AAction:Warnings","The action is triggered for warning level events as well as failures (including downgrading from failure to warning if {AAction:Decreases|decreases} is set)");
 53: ha("AAction:Decreases","The action is triggered when the level goes down to closed (or {AAction:Warnings|warnings} if set)");
 54: ha("AAction:Limit","Max times this action can run in any one day (0 = unlimited) to avoid flooding");
 55: ha("AAction:Counter","Number of times this action has run in the day shown - you can manually reset this here");
 57: ha("Variable","System variables are used to control the system environment. To delete a variable just save it with a blank name.");
 58: ha("Var:log.level","The system log level - 10 is everything, 0 is fatal only. 5-6-ish is probably a good balance.");
 60: ha("Var:site.enable.interactive","Must be set (1) to allow interactive web sessions (like this one)");
 61: ha("Var:site.popupmessage","If set (1) will show a popup message when saving changes etc");
 63: ha("Var:test.icmp.timeout","Timeout in seconds to wait for an ICMP response before declaring a failure in seconds (default 10)");
 64: ha("Var:test.icmp.trytwice","Depreciated - replaced with {Var:test.icmp.attempts|test.icmp.attempts}");
 65: ha("Var:test.icmp.attempts","Number of times the main &quot;require ping&quot; test will attempt before failing (default 2)");
 66: ha("Var:test.http.timeout","Default timeout for HTTP/s streams used in web tests (uses system default if unset or &lt;1)");
 68: ha("Var:retain.alert","Days to retain alert records for (default 356). Retain forever with value 0.");
 69: ha("Var:retain.record","Days to retain test result records for use in history and graphs (default 356). Retain forever with value 0.");
 70: ha("Var:retain.testrun","Days to retain test run records for (default 30). Retain forever with value 0.");
 72: ha("Var:freenats.tracker","Participate in the automated feedback process - 1 for yes low level, 2 for detailed, 0 for disabled (default 0)");
 73: function hdisp($id,$html=true)
 74: {
 75: global $NATS_Help;
 76: if (!isset($NATS_Help[strtoupper($id)])) return "";
 77: $t=$NATS_Help[strtoupper($id)];
 78: $o="";
 79: $mode="text";
 80: $linktext=false;
 81: for ($a=0; $a<strlen($t); $a++)
 82: 	{
 83: 	$c=$t[$a];
 85: 	if ($c=="{") // start of a link
 86: 		{
 87: 		$mode="link";
 88: 		$linktext=false;
 89: 		$linkid="";
 90: 		$linktxt="";
 91: 		}
 93: 	else if ( ($mode=="link") && ($c=="|") ) // in a link and move into text mode...
 94: 		{
 95: 		$linktext=true;
 96: 		}
 98: 	else if ( ($mode=="link") && ($c=="}") ) // in a link and the end of the link
 99: 		{
100: 		if (!$linktext) $linktxt=$linkid;
101: 		if ($html) $o.="<a href=\"help.php?id=".$linkid."\">";
102: 		$o.=$linktxt;
103: 		if ($html) $o.="</a>";
104: 		$mode="text";
105: 		}
107: 	else if ( $mode=="link" ) // in a link
108: 		{
109: 		if ($linktext) $linktxt.=$c;
110: 		else $linkid.=$c;
111: 		}
113: 	else // in text
114: 		$o.=$c;
115: 	}
116: return $o;
117: }
119: function hlink($id,$size=16)
120: {
121: global $NATS_Help;
122: if (isset($NATS_Help[strtoupper($id)]))
123: 	return "<a href=\"javascript:freenats_help('".$id."')\"><img src=\"images/info".$size.".gif\" title=\"".hdisp($id,false)."\" border=0></a>";
125: return "<img src=\"images/info".$size."g.gif\" border=0 title=\"Sorry, no help available.\">";
126: }
128: function ph($id,$size=16)
129: {
130: echo hlink($id,$size);
131: }
132: ?>