File: 0.02.25a/server/bin/ (View as Code)

1: #!/usr/bin/php -q 2: 3: /* ------------------------------------------------------------- 4: This file is part of FreeNATS 5: 6: FreeNATS is (C) Copyright 2008 PurplePixie Systems 7: 8: FreeNATS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 9: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 10: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 11: (at your option) any later version. 12: 13: FreeNATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 14: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 15: MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 16: GNU General Public License for more details. 17: 18: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 19: along with FreeNATS. If not, see 20: 21: For more information see 22: -------------------------------------------------------------- */ 23: 24: if ((isset($argc))&&(isset($argv))) 25: { 26: if ($argc>1) 27: { 28: $nfilter=$argv[1]; 29: } 30: else $nfilter=""; 31: } 32: require("include.php"); 33: $dbt=""; 34: function db($txt,$nl=true) 35: { 36: global $dbt; 37: echo $txt; 38: $dbt.=$txt; 39: if ($nl) 40: { 41: echo "\n"; 42: $dbt.="
43: } 44: } 45: $NATS->Start(); 46: if ($nfilter!="") $st=": Node ".$nfilter; 47: else $st=""; 48: db("NATS Tester Script Starting".$st); 49: 50: $highalertlevel=-1; 51: $talertc=0; 52: 53: // check if already running 54: $cq="SELECT startx FROM fntestrun WHERE fnode=\"".ss($nfilter)."\" AND finishx=0"; 55: $cr=$NATS->DB->Query($cq); 56: if ($NATS->DB->Num_Rows($cr)>0) 57: { 58: $NATS->Event("Tester Already Running: Aborted",1,"Tester","Error"); 59: db("Tester Already Running: Aborted"); 60: $NATS->Stop(); 61: exit(); 62: } 63: 64: $gq="INSERT INTO fntestrun(startx,fnode) VALUES(".time().",\"".ss($nfilter)."\")"; 65: $NATS->DB->Query($gq); 66: $trid=$NATS->DB->Insert_Id(); 67: db("Test ID: ".$trid." (Started at ".nicedt(time()).")"); 68: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Started",5,"Tester","Start"); 69: 70: db(" "); 71: 72: if ($nfilter=="") $q="SELECT * FROM fnnode WHERE nodeenabled=1"; 73: else 74: { 75: $q="SELECT * FROM fnnode WHERE nodeid=\"".ss($nfilter)."\" AND nodeenabled=1"; 76: } 77: $r=$NATS->DB->Query($q); 78: 79: 80: while ($row=$NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r)) 81: { 82: $dotests=true; 83: $alertlevel=0; 84: $alerts=array(); 85: $alertc=0; 86: db("NodeID: ".$row['nodeid']); 87: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Node ".$row['nodeid'],10,"Tester","Node"); 88: 89: $ptr=0; 90: $pal=0; 91: if ($row['pingtest']) 92: { 93: db(" Ping Test: Yes"); 94: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Pinging Node ".$row['nodeid'],10,"Tester","Ping"); 95: $ptr=PingTest($row['hostname']); 96: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Ping Node ".$row['nodeid']." Returned ".$ptr,10,"Tester","Ping"); 97: db(" Ping Returned: ".$ptr); 98: if ( ($ptr<=0) && ($NATS->Cfg->Get("test.icmp.trytwice","1")=="1") ) 99: { 100: // try again... 101: db(" Trying Ping Again"); 102: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Ping X2 Node ".$row['nodeid'],10,"Tester","Ping"); 103: $ptr=PingTest($row['hostname']); 104: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Ping Node ".$row['nodeid']." Returned ".$ptr,10,"Tester","Ping"); 105: db(" Ping Returned: ".$ptr); 106: } 107: 108: if ($ptr<=0) 109: { 110: $alertlevel=2; 111: db(" Ping Test: Failed"); 112: $alerts[$alertc++]="ping failed"; 113: $pal=2; 114: } 115: else db(" Ping Test: Passed"); 116: 117: // pingtest output bodge 118: // is there a test entry for ICMP 119: $fq="SELECT localtestid FROM fnlocaltest WHERE nodeid=\"".$row['nodeid']."\" AND testtype=\"ICMP\""; 120: $fr=$NATS->DB->Query($fq); 121: $ltid_icmp=""; 122: if ($irow=$NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($fr)) 123: { // exists 124: $uq="UPDATE fnlocaltest SET alertlevel=".$pal.",lastrunx=".time()." WHERE localtestid=".$irow['localtestid']; 125: $ltid_icmp=$irow['localtestid']; 126: //echo $uq; 127: $NATS->DB->Query($uq); 128: } 129: else 130: { // doesn't exist 131: $uq="INSERT INTO fnlocaltest(nodeid,testtype,alertlevel,lastrunx) VALUES(\"".$row['nodeid']."\",\"ICMP\",".$pal.",".time().")"; 132: //echo $uq; 133: $NATS->DB->Query($uq); 134: $ltid_icmp=$NATS->DB->Insert_Id(); 135: } 136: $NATS->DB->Free($fr); 137: 138: // record the ICMP bodge-test here 139: $rq="INSERT INTO fnrecord(testid,recordx,testvalue,alertlevel,nodeid) VALUES(\"L".$ltid_icmp."\",".time().",".$ptr.",".$pal.",\"".$row['nodeid']."\")"; 140: $NATS->DB->Query($rq); 141: //echo $rq." ".$NATS->DB->Affected_Rows()."\n"; 142: 143: } 144: else 145: { // further ICMP bodge - update to -1 or do nothing if the test doesn't exist 146: $uq="UPDATE fnlocaltest SET alertlevel=-1,lastrunx=".time()." WHERE nodeid=\"".$row['nodeid']."\" AND testtype=\"ICMP\""; 147: $NATS->DB->Query($uq); 148: } 149: 150: if (($row['pingfatal'])&&($ptr<=0)) 151: { 152: db(" Ping Fatal: Yes - Not Continuing"); 153: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Ping Fatal for Node ".$row['nodeid'],10,"Tester","Ping"); 154: $dotests=false; 155: } 156: 157: // do the tests - only actually exec if dotests true 158: 159: db("Doing Local Tests"); 160: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Testing Node ".$row['nodeid'],10,"Tester","Test"); 161: $q="SELECT * FROM fnlocaltest WHERE nodeid=\"".$row['nodeid']."\" AND testtype!=\"ICMP\""; 162: $res=$NATS->DB->Query($q); 163: while ($lrow=$NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($res)) 164: { 165: db(" Test: ".$lrow['testtype']." (".$lrow['testparam'].")"); 166: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Node ".$row['nodeid']." Doing ".$lrow['testtype']."(".$lrow['testparam'].")",10,"Tester","Test"); 167: if ($dotests) $result=DoTest($lrow['testtype'],$lrow['testparam'],$row['hostname']); 168: else $result=0; 169: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Node ".$row['nodeid']." Result ".$result." from ".$lrow['testtype']."(".$lrow['testparam'].")",10,"Tester","Test"); 170: db(" Result: ".$result); 171: 172: if ($dotests) 173: { 174: // evaluation 175: if ($lrow['simpleeval']==1) $lvl=SimpleEval($lrow['testtype'],$result); 176: else $lvl=nats_eval("L".$lrow['localtestid'],$result); 177: 178: db(" Eval: ".$lvl); 179: if ($lvl>$alertlevel) $alertlevel=$lvl; 180: if ($lvl>0) 181: { 182: $s=$lrow['testtype']."/".substr($lrow['testparam'],0,5)." "; 183: if ($lvl>1) $s.="failed"; 184: else $s.="warning"; 185: $alerts[$alertc++]=$s; 186: } 187: } else $lvl=-1; 188: 189: // record it 190: if ($lrow['testrecord']==1) 191: { 192: $tid="L".$lrow['localtestid']; 193: $iq="INSERT INTO fnrecord(testid,nodeid,alertlevel,testvalue,recordx) VALUES("; 194: $iq.="\"".$tid."\",\"".$row['nodeid']."\",".$lvl.",".$result.",".time().")"; 195: $NATS->DB->Query($iq); 196: db(" Recording Test"); 197: } 198: 199: // update localtest record 200: $uq="UPDATE fnlocaltest SET lastrunx=".time().",alertlevel=".$lvl." WHERE localtestid=".$lrow['localtestid']; 201: $NATS->DB->Query($uq); 202: 203: 204: } 205: 206: 207: 208: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Finished Node ".$row['nodeid'],10,"Tester","Node"); 209: 210: 211: db("Highest Alert Level: ".$alertlevel); 212: db("Alert Count : ".$alertc); 213: $als=""; 214: foreach($alerts as $al) $als.=$al.", "; 215: db("Alerts: ".$als); 216: 217: $NATS->SetAlerts($row['nodeid'],$alertlevel,$alerts); 218: 219: db(" "); 220: 221: if ($alertlevel>$highalertlevel) $highalertlevel=$alertlevel; 222: $talertc+=$alertc; 223: 224: } 225: 226: 227: 228: db("Finished Tests... Finishing Off"); 229: db("Summary: Tester ".$trid." Highest Level ".$highalertlevel.", Alerts ".$talertc); 230: $uq="UPDATE fntestrun SET finishx=".time().",routput=\"".ss($dbt)."\" WHERE trid=".$trid; 231: $NATS->DB->Query($uq); 232: 233: 234: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Highest Level ".$highalertlevel.", Alerts ".$talertc,7,"Tester","Stat"); 235: $NATS->Event("Tester ".$trid." Finished",5,"Tester","Stop"); 236: 237: // in here for now... 238: $NATS->ActionFlush(); 239: 240: $NATS->Stop(); 241: db("NATS Stopped... Finished"); 242: ?> 243: 244: